No Stars: Did the Apollo Operation really go to the Moon???

No Stars: Did the Apollo Operation really go to the Moon???

We arrive again at another anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, which launched on 16 July, 1969 and supposedly landed men on the Moon on 20 July, 1969.

Although this operation took place in the same month that I was born, and although I myself am now 54 years of age, one is still simply not supposed to look critically (or, said another way, simply not allowed to look critically) at the veracity of the supposed Moon Landing operations that are said to have taken place from 1969 through 1972 and which were then never replicated or continued by either the United States or any other nation, from that year until today.

This anniversary would be an approbate time to examine the evidence for yourself. 

Above is a new video I have just published entitled "No stars in photos! No memories of stars in astronauts! Did the Apollo Operation really go to the Moon???"

Please enjoy and share, if you wish.

Join us at this year's CPAK 12 in California!

Join us at this year's CPAK 12 in California!

I am looking forward to this year's 12th gathering of the Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge (CPAK 12) in Rancho Mirage, California. 

This year's event will take place from 20 - 22 October, 2023 and will feature many exciting speakers and researchers.

I hope to see you there! Please share this video with any who might be interested : )

Beautiful Zeppelin Metaphor Destroys Flat Earth Nonsense

Beautiful Zeppelin Metaphor Destroys Flat Earth Nonsense

Here's a new video explaining what I call the "Zeppelin Metaphor" to help us understand why the Sun, Moon, stars and planets make arcs which rise up in the east, angle overhead, and "cut down" into the horizon in the west at different angles depending on our latitude, and why those arcs all lean towards the north for observers in the Northern Hemisphere, and lean towards the south for observers in the Southern Hemisphere.

I decided to make this video after watching the brand-new crescent sliver of our Moon just after New Moon, setting in the west accompanied by the planet Venus, while driving through New South Wales, Australia in the vicinity of Canberra (Australian Capitol Territory) -- obviously in the Southern Hemisphere.

That same night, a friend who lives near Tokyo (obviously in the Northern Hemisphere) sent me a photograph of the same sliver of the New Moon, accompanied by Venus, but from the perspective of an observer in the Northern Hemisphere.

The "Zeppelin Metaphor" explains just why this happens -- and why it makes perfect sense if we live on a spherical Earth globe (which we do, although of course technically speaking it may be more of an "oblate spheroid" than a perfect geometrical sphere). 

On the other hand, it seems to me that proponents of the extremely suspicious "Flat Earth" will have an extremely difficult time explaining these celestial mechanics and how one can account for these different arcs from the perspective of a supposed "Flat Earth."

I conclude with a few thoughts about the likelihood that the entire "Flat Earth" nonsense is an operation -- a political operation designed to distract and discredit those who are investigating actual lies told to the men and women of the world by agents of oligarchy.

June Solstice 2023

June Solstice 2023

image: Wikimedia Commons

We are rapidly approaching the point of Solstice in our Earth-Sun dance for June of 2023, which will occur at 1458 UTC on the 21st, or 1058 Eastern Standard Time, which is 7:57am Pacific time for those on the west coast of North America. It will already be early in the morning of the 22nd of June for Australia, where the time at point of Solstice will be 12:58 am, just over twelve hours from now.

As I have written many times before, the ancient world-wide system which can be shown to form the foundation for the sacred traditions of cultures on every inhabited continent and island of our globe uses the heavenly cycles -- and especially the annual cycle created by the tilt of our axis and the changing angle of our relationship to the Sun -- as a kind of celestial "code" through which the myths and stories dramatize truths about our internal landscape, and our relationship with Self and with the Invisible or Divine Realm.

It is through our authentic, deeper Self that we gain access to inspiration and the insight and power of that Invisible Realm, in ways inexplicable to materialist physics and the erroneous but dominant materialist paradigm that has been forced upon us in our traditional schooling, reinforced by most of the organs of mass media throughout our lives.

Solstice is a perfect time of year to pause and consider ways to reconnect with Self. That connection is so easily disrupted and "cluttered" by the interference (well-intentioned interference, in many cases) of the different voices in our internal landscape (critical voices, doubting voices, defensive voices, managerial voices), which according to IFS founder Dr. Richard Schwartz function as virtually independent personalities or "parts" within our "internal family."

Of course, we can and should take time each day to take stock of our internal landscape, and to pay attention to those parts or personalities, and see how they are doing and what their concerns and anxieties might be on any given day, and to allow them to relax in order to allow Self to emerge and take its rightful role in leading that internal team, but the great turning points of the year represented by the Solstice are particularly appropriate times in which to do so.

Ways to allow Self to emerge can include time in Nature, expression through Art and Music, or through ancient disciplines such as Yoga, Tai Chi or meditation, and even through many modern immersive activities such as skateboarding, surfing, dancing, or others that bring you joy and allow those protective parts to relax and take a break.

At this June Solstice of 2023, I send my best wishes for your own journey of reconnection with Self, and gratitude for your interest in and support of my work exploring the world's ancient myths, and their message for us today.

Two new videos about Literalism's Deceptive History, right back to the start

Two new videos about Literalism's Deceptive History, right back to the start

Here are two recent videos I've made discussing some aspects of the deceptive history of Literalist Christianity going right back to its founding centuries. The video above is entitled,  "Who was Paul of the Bible?" and the video below is called, "Oligarchy and Trauma."

The evidence suggests that Literalist Christianity has been deceptive about its origins, deliberately co-opting texts that were circulating in the early centuries AD (or CE) while at the same time turning their esoteric and broadly "gnostic" message completely upside-down.

Those texts fit into the world-wide system of celestial metaphor which forms the foundation for ancient myths and sacred stories around the Earth, on every inhabited continent and island of our globe. That ancient system can be shown to have as a central theme the healing of Trauma (or, said another way, the recovery of Self), and opposition to Oligarchy.

The record is very clear, however, that Literalism has -- right from the beginning -- inverted this message and consistently acted to inflict Trauma in support of Oligarchy.

These videos draw on the analysis published by Gerald Massey and Professor Michael Hudson.

Please share with those for whom this information might be positive and helpful in some way.