December Solstice, 2022: It's ALL Star Myths!

December Solstice, 2022: It's ALL Star Myths!

Here's a new video I've just published entitled "It's ALL Star Myths," in which I explore a few examples of the world's ancient myths, scriptures, and sacred stories and their foundations in an esoteric system of celestial metaphor, in which the stars and heavenly cycles are imbued with significance which has to do with achieving our full potential as individual men and women . . . and with the pattern for arranging a society in which men and women are empowered to achieve that potential.

Today is the important day in our Earth's dance with the Sun at which the Southward progress of the Sun in the heavens finally pauses and turns back around to proceed to the North again -- the point of December Solstice. 

This day is the Winter Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere, and the Summer Solstice for the Southern -- and we reach the exact point of the December Solstice world-wide at 1:48pm on 21 December for North America's Pacific time, which is 4:48pm (1648) on 21 December for North America's Eastern time, and at 9:48pm (2148) on 21 December for Greenwich, England (also for "UTC"), which is already 22 December for some parts of the world (it will occur at what will be 8:48am on 22 December for Melbourne, Australia for example).

This turning-point is perhaps the point of the annual cycle which is imbued by the ancient myths of the world with the most spiritual and esoteric significance of all the cycles. Previous posts on this day discussing the December Solstice include "The Three-Day Pause" and others.

Note that it this phenomenon is not necessarily caused by the Earth orbiting around the Sun as commonly taught and assumed today -- it is also possible that the seasons and Solstices are caused by the Sun going around another point (perhaps around a binary companion) and -- in the process of that motion -- going around the Earth, as argued by Simon Shack in his "Tychos Model" of the solar system, building on the arguments of the great Tycho Brahe and discussed in this previous video.

I hope you will enjoy this new video. Please feel free to share with those for whom it would be positive in some way. All sincere wishes for a blessed Solstice.

Iroquois Creation Story Workshop, Week 08: Celestial Foundations & World-Wide Star Myth Connections!

Iroquois Creation Story Workshop, Week 08: Celestial Foundations & World-Wide Star Myth Connections!

The above video is from Week Eight of the ongoing workshop exploring the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois First Nations) Creation Story, being held in Kahnawake Mohawk Territory.

At the beginning, and lasting through about the 0:13:50 mark in this video, Kyle Delisle of the Kahnawake First Nations Mohawk Territory and President of the Kahnawake Business Contribution Foundation briefly discusses the concept of Precession.

After that, he also presents some thoughts on possible celestial connections in the part of the Iroquois Creation Story that we heard Trina read and translate last week (see below for links to each week's video content). Kyle's celestial interpretation discussion goes from about 0:13:50 until about the 0:16:15 mark in the video.

Then, I continue the examination of the events in that same Iroquois Creation Account that we heard last week and that Kyle was just talking about, using parallels from other Star Myths around the world which can help provide clues and supporting evidence in our analysis of the clear celestial content in this sacred story from the Iroquois Nations of North America.

My discussion goes from around the 0:16:20 mark to the around the 1:23:40 mark in the video.

After that, Trina Stacey Ienonhsaka'én:ions continues with the reading, translating, and exploration of the Onondaga version of the Creation Story -- speaking first in the Mohawk First Language and then translating each part into English. Trina's presentation goes from about the 1:23:40 mark in the video until the end of this week's recording.

This discussion is a continuation of those recorded in the previous weeks of this workshop -- you can go back and see the videos from earlier weeks using these links:

Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Five

Week Six

Week Seven

Please feel free to share with those for whom this information would be positive in some way!

Join me! along with Randall Carlson, Ben of UnchartedX, and other friends for a LiveStream conference this weekend!

Join me! along with Randall Carlson, Ben of UnchartedX, and other friends for a LiveStream conference this weekend!

This weekend, 16 through 18 December 2022 (Arizona time, USA, which is one hour ahead of Pacific Time and two hours behind Eastern Time), join us for a special online LiveStream conference featuring:

Randall Carlson of Kosmographia (seen in the above promo video for the event)

George Howard of Cosmic Tusk

Ben Van Kerkwyk of UnchartedX

David Warner Mathisen of the Undying Stars

Alberto Haagar of Maya Consciousness

Martin Gray of Sacred Sites

and Dan Rodgers of Science of Freedom

If you purchase the conference pass ($72 USD) to watch live, you can participate in the Q&A following each presentation, as well as getting access to watch replays of all the presentations. If you have to miss any or all of the LiveStream presentations, you will of course still be able to access the replays and watch them as many times as you want to watch them in the future.

Reserve your spot at:

Here is the schedule of speakers for watching the LiveStream presentations in real-time (and participating in the Q&A after each one):

Please note that those times listed are in Arizona time, which (again) is one hour earlier than current Pacific Time and two hours later than current Eastern Time. If you live on another continent, the best way to figure out the time difference is to use a search engine and do a search for "current time in Sedona, Arizona" (or some other location in Arizona) and then do the math. 

Also, remember that "Day 1" listed above is 16 December 2022 (Friday) for that particular time zone (in some parts of the world, it will already be 17 December when it is still 16 December in Arizona). "Day 2" listed above is Saturday, 17 December 2022 (again, for Arizona -- in some parts of the world it will already be 18 December). "Day 3" listed above is Sunday, 18 December 2022 (for the Arizona time zone)

I hope to see you there (online) live, or in a replay sometime in the future!

Iroquois Creation Story Workshop -- Weeks 03 and 07!

Iroquois Creation Story Workshop -- Weeks 03 and 07!

Hear the First Nations Iroquois Creation Account in the First Language Mohawk as read (and then translated, paragraph by paragraph) by First Nations Mohawk wisdom keeper Trina Stacey Ienonhsaka'én:ions!

This sacred story shares a celestial foundation with ancient myths, scriptures and sacred stories given to other cultures around the Earth, on every inhabited continent and island. 

The above video is from Week 7 of the ongoing workshop exploring the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois First Nations) Creation Story, being held in Kahnawake Mohawk Territory.

This discussion is a continuation of those recorded in the previous weeks of this workshop -- you can go back and see the videos from earlier weeks using these links:

Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four Week Five

Week Six

Also included this week for the first time, and linked above as well as embedded below, is the video recording from Week Three of this same Workshop.

Please feel free to share with those for whom this information would be positive in some way!

Week 6 of the Iroquois Creation Story Workshop!

Week 6 of the Iroquois Creation Story Workshop!

Hear the First Nations Iroquois Creation Account in the First Language Mohawk as read (and then translated, paragraph by paragraph) by First Nations Mohawk wisdom keeper Trina Stacey Ienonhsaka'én:ions!

This sacred story shares a celestial foundation with ancient myths, scriptures and sacred stories given to other cultures around the Earth, on every inhabited continent and island. Kahnawake Business Contribution Foundation president Kyle Delisle and I explore some of these connections in this video from Week 6 of the ongoing workshop exploring the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois First Nations) Creation Story, being held in Kahnawake Mohawk Territory.

At the beginning of this video through about the 0:25:45 mark, Kyle Delisle of the Mohawk First Nations discusses evidence of world-scale cataclysms in our planet's ancient past. Also, beginning at around the 0:17:44 mark in the video, Kyle presents some of his interpretations of the celestial elements in the story.

At about 0:25:45, I explore some of the specific connections to the stars which can be seen in the parts of the Creation Account we heard last week and provide some additional evidence and examples (and in some cases some alternate explanations) to those that Kyle saw and discussed earlier in the video.

This discussion is a continuation of those recorded in the previous weeks of this workshop -- you can go back and see the videos from earlier weeks using these links:

Week One

Week Two

Week Four

Week Five

My presentation runs through about the 1:18:09 mark of the video.

At about the 1:18:15 mark, Mohawk wisdom keeper Trina Stacey Ienonhsaka'én:ions leads further discussion and examination of the parts of the sacred Creation Story that we have heard so far. She also presents more of the Creation Account in the Mohawk Language, pausing throughout to translate into English as she proceeds. She is reading an Onondaga version of the Creation Story, in the Mohawk Language. This reading and telling and discussion of the Creation Story runs through about the 2:10:00 mark in the video.

Please feel free to share with those for whom this information would be positive in some way!

Week 5 of the Iroquois Creation Story Workshop!

Week 5 of the Iroquois Creation Story Workshop!

Here is the video from Week 5 of the ongoing workshop being held in Kahnawake First Nations Mohawk Territory exploring the Haudenosaunee (First Nations Iroquois) Creation Story.

At the beginning of this video through about the 0:07:00 mark, Kyle Delisle of the First Nations Mohawk explains some of the connections to the ancient world-wide system of celestial metaphor that he sees in the Iroquois Creation Story, including some of the Mohawk and Seneca versions as well as a different Onondaga version in addition to the Onondaga Creation Story account that we are focusing on during this seminar.

Beginning at about the 0:07:00 mark in the video, Haudenosaunee wisdom keeper Trina Stacey Ienonhsaka'en:ions leads a round-table discussion of the parts of the Creation Story we heard the week before. To view the videos of the previous weeks of this seminar, check out:

Part One (Star Myth intro and overview 01):

Part Two (Star Myth intro and overview 02):

Week 04 (Beginning of the Iroquois Creation Story, plus White Dog Ceremony):

This week's video is, as noted, Week 05, and it was recorded on 23 November 2022.

Beginning at 0:59:30 in this week's video, I provide some analysis of the celestial components evident in the Haudenosaunee Creation Story thus far, echoing the analysis that Kyle gives at the beginning of this video and adding some evidence to back up those connections and to show clear signs of resonance with ancient myth and sacred stories preserved in other cultures around the world.

Then, beginning at 1:35:08 in this week's video, Trina resumes the telling of this Onondaga version of the Iroquois Creation Story, telling each part first in the Mohawk First Language and then giving the translation, with added explanation at various important points.

The workshop concludes just after the two-hour mark. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to share with those for whom this information would be positive in some way!

Last American President Murdered: JFK on 22 November, 1963

Last American President Murdered: JFK on 22 November, 1963

image: Wikimedia commons (link).

On this day in 1963, fifty-nine years ago, President John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated in front of the whole world by criminals who were part of something much larger than the "lone gunman" story that was immediately force-fed to the people and which has continued to be propagated since that day.

The condition of the United States of America in the subsequent fifty-nine years and right up to now results directly from the events of that day -- and from the fact that we have yet to face what happened and take proper action in light of that murder.

John Kennedy was the last American president: every single president since then has by completely logical consequence been merely a figurehead and puppet of whatever cabal or clique perpetrated that violent criminal conspiracy.

The media has of course been complicit and continues to be complicit in the cover-up of what happened: this only proves the point that the country was taken over on that day by a coup which has not been reversed. How could it be reversed, when we continue to accept the most obvious lies about what took place in Dallas on November 22, 1963?

Previous blog posts from years past published about this day include: