image: Charlemagne.  Wikimedia commons

Regular readers of this blog probably do not ask themselves, "Why would I care about this esoteric stuff, anyway?"  However, they may at times find themselves trying to answer that question to a friend or family member.  

In order to provide a few answers to that question and two related follow-up questions -- and to help journalists, bloggers, and other writers wondering if The Undying Stars might be of interest to their readers -- here follows a list of some of those reasons (many more can be added to this list, but to make it less overwhelming, this particular list is limited to three groups of three):

Why would I care about this stuff?
  • This may well be the biggest conspiracy in history, the one which ties up the loose ends of many others, the conspiracy which created the "noble" families of Europe together with a religious system designed to accumulate vast material wealth and power.  That wealth and power still drives world events and political decisions that impact your daily life.
  • This conspiracy involves the creation of a literalist Christian religious system which threatens people with eternal damnation in a literal place called hell if they do not accept the existence and authority of a literal historical savior and his twelve disciples: that threat is still used to command obedience to this day, and yet it can be conclusively shown to be based upon a completely incorrect approach to the ancient scriptures of the human race.
  • This literalist misinterpretation causes people to miss the fact that the human race once shared incredible ancient wisdom, wisdom that may help to explain the mysterious ancient monuments found around the globe (such as Stonehenge, Easter Island, Tiahuanaco, Giza, Angkor Wat, Nazca, and many others).
What new perspectives does The Undying Stars bring to this discussion?
  • Clearly shows how ancient scriptures -- focusing especially those of the Old and New Testaments, but connecting them with the sacred traditions of other ancient civilizations -- consist almost entirely of esoteric allegories which depict celestial events: the motions of the sun, moon, stars and planets.  Other writers have discussed this in the past, but The Undying Stars clearly explains the way this system works, and does it with clear prose and over seventy illustrations.
  •  Goes beyond just showing the celestial connection and explores the obvious next question of Why?  The Undying Stars explores the likelihood that these ancient sacred traditions were designed to convey secrets that the literalist misinterpretation has kept from humanity for at least seventeen centuries.
  • Provides a detailed theory explaining the rise of literalist Christianity, and the use of a two-pronged strategy using both the secret Mysteries of Mithras and the open religion of literalist Christianity to take over the Roman Empire from the inside.  This aspect of the book draws heavily on the work of historian and analyst Flavio Barbiero, but connects his theory to the subject of the esoteric allegories and what they mean, a connection which has not previously been explored.
What are some of the implications, if this theory is correct?
  • First of all, you probably don't have to worry about "going to hell when you die"! (or, to say it a bit differently, at the end of this particular incarnation).  The Undying Stars shows that the threat of a literal hell is based upon a misunderstanding of the esoteric nature of the ancient scriptures which came to be included in what is today called the Bible.  In fact, most of what the literal interpreters have been teaching for centuries can be shown to be very different from what the authors of those ancient scriptures actually intended to teach.
  • If this theory is correct, it completely rewrites European history, or at least explains that history very differently from what almost everyone has been taught.  It reveals that a group of families which gained incredible wealth and power during the Roman Empire have been pursuing goals connected to the suppression of the information outlined above ever since the first century AD -- and almost certainly continue to do so today.
  • Not only that, but it completely rewrites world history, especially very ancient history, and shows that there was an awful lot going on before the arrival of the first historically-known civilizations than we have been led to believe.  There are very good reasons that certain people would like to suppress the real history and replace it with a fictional narrative that, when examined closely, is full of king-sized contradictions and logical inconsistencies.